Alle specialisaties van A t/m Z
- Aardrijkskunde
- Academic
- Accountancy
- Accounting & Auditing
- Accounting & Business Information Technology
- Accounting & Control
- Accounting & Finance
- Accounting and Control
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Action Learning
- Actuarial science
- Acute Cardiologie
- Adaptation and Development
- Adaptation, Health and Behaviour
- Adaptive Organisms
- Adaptive Water Management
- Adult Psychopathology
- Advanced Computing and Systems
- Advanced Instrumentation
- Advanced Manufacturing across the Scales
- Advanced Materials
- Advanced Matter and Energy Physics
- Advanced Process Technology
- Advanced Research Skills
- Aerodynamics and Wind Energy
- Aeronautics
- Aerospace Structures & Materials
- Agile
- Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies
- Agroecology
- AI and Digital Innovatiom
- AI en Machine Learning
- AI for Health
- AIHR Projects
- Algebra and Geometry
- Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
- Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
- Algemeen profiel
- Algemeen programma
- Algemeen verdiepend privaatrecht
- Algemene economie
- Algemene economie
- Algemene Gezondheidszorg
- Algmeen programma
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Algorithmic Data Analysis
- Algorithms & Theory
- Algorithms and Software AI
- Aligning Business & IT
- American studies
- Analysis and Dynamical Systems
- Analytical Sciences
- Analytics and Operations Research In Logistics
- Analytics for Transport and Mobility
- Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Worlds
- Ancient History
- Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- Ancient Studies
- Ancient, medieval and renaissance studies
- Angst- en Stemmingsstoornissen
- Animal Ecology
- Application in the Built Environment
- Applied Anthropology
- Applied Archaeology
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Applied Cognitive Neuroscience
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Data Science Track
- Applied Food Safety
- Applied History
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics, Complex Systems and Scientific Computing
- Applied Musicology
- Applied Nanophotonics
- Applied Neuroscience in Human Development
- Applied Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences
- Applied research track
- Applied Social Psychology
- Aquaculture
- Arabisch
- Arabische studies
- Arbeid & recht
- Arbeid en Gezondheid
- Arbeid en Onderneming
- Arbeid, Organisatie en Management
- Arbeid: Arbeidsrelaties & Levensloop
- Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie
- Arbeidsrecht
- Archaeological Science
- Archaeology
- Architectural Urban Design and Engineering
- Architecture
- Architecture & Systems
- Architectuurgeschiedenis
- Archival and Information Studies
- Art and Media Studies
- Art and Performance Research Studies
- Art and Visual Culture
- Art History
- Art of Sound
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and Governance
- Artificial Intelligence Technology
- Artistic Research
- Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education
- Arts and Society
- Arts of the Netherlands
- Arts, Cognition and Criticism
- Arts, Culture and Society
- Arts, Media & Literary Studies
- Arts, Policy and Cultural Entrepeneurship
- ArtScience
- Asset Management
- Asset Pricing
- Assyriology
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Astronomy and Business Studies
- Astronomy and Cosmology
- Astronomy and Data Science
- Astronomy and Education
- Astronomy and Instrumentation
- Astronomy and Science Communication and Society
- Astronomy Research
- Atmospheric Environment Engineering
- Audio Communication & Sonology
- Auditing
- Autisme
- Automotive Systems
- Banking
- Banking and finance
- Banking and Regulation
- Bedrijfscommunicatie en Digitale Media
- Bedrijfseconomie
- Bedrijfseconomie
- Bedrijfskundig management
- Beeldbegeleiding
- Beeldende therapie
- Begaafdheid
- Begeleiden
- Begeleider in het onderwijs
- Behavioral Economics
- Behaviour Change
- Behavioural and Social Cimputing
- Behavioural Data Science
- Behavioural Economics
- Behavioural Economics & Game Theory
- Behavioural Neuroscience
- Behavioural Neurosciences
- Beleid en politiek
- Beleidsadvisering
- Beperkingen en Handicaps
- Besturen van Maatschappelijke Organisaties
- Besturen van Veiligheid
- Besturen van Zorgvernieuwing
- Bestuur en Advisering
- Bestuur en beleid
- Bestuur en beleid voor professionals
- Bestuur en management van lokale vraagstukken
- Bestuurlijk Leiderschap
- Bestuursrecht
- Beveiliging en verificatie
- Bible Translation
- Biblical exegeses
- Biblical Exegesis
- Biblical Studies and Digital Humanities
- Big Data Engineering
- Bijzondere Zorggroepen
- Bio Inspired Innovation
- Bio-based Products
- Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Studies
- Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education
- Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Science Communication and Society
- Bioanalytics
- Biobased and Circular Economy
- Biobased Chemistry and Technology
- Biocatalysis
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biodiversity and Sustainability
- Bioengineering Technologies
- Biofabrication
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity
- Biological Chemistry
- Biologie
- Biology and Business Studies
- Biology and Chemistry of Soil and Water
- Biology and Education
- Biology and Science Communication and Society
- Biology of Cancer and Immune System (research)
- Biology of Food and Nutrition (research)
- Biology of Healthy Ageing and Disease
- Biomass Production and Carbon Capture
- Biomaterials Science and Engineering
- BioMechanical Design
- Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
- Biomedical Imaging
- Biomedical Imaging and Modelling
- Biomedical Mathematics
- Biomedical Research
- Biomedical Sciences Communication
- Biomedical Sciences Education
- Biomedical Sciences Health
- Biomedical Sciences Management
- Biomedical Sciences Research
- Biomedical Signals & Systems
- Biomedisch of technisch verdiepingsonderwijs
- Biomolecular X-ray Crystallography Group
- Biophysics and Biophotonics
- Biophysics in Sport
- Biorefinery and Conversion
- Biorobotics
- Biostatistics
- BioTherapeutics
- Biotransformation and Biocatalysis
- Boekwetenschap
- Book and Digital Media Studies
- Book and Paper
- Bouwrecht
- Brain and Cognition
- Brain and Cognition in Society
- Brand & Product Management
- Brand and Customer Management
- Breed programma
- Buddhist Traditions and Modernities
- Building Physics and Services
- Building Technology
- Buitenland
- Burgerlijk Recht
- Business
- Business Analysis and Control
- Business Analysis and Modelling
- Business Analytics
- Business Analytics
- Business Analytics and Management
- Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing
- Business and Social Impact
- Business Communication and Persuasion
- Business Development
- Business Development and Entrepreneurship
- Business in Transition
- Business Intelligence
- Business Law
- Business Management and Organisation
- Business Storytelling
- Cancer, Stem Cells and Developmental Biology
- Cardiovascular health and disease
- Care and Cure
- Case Study Process Modeling of Construction Projects
- Cell Biochemistry
- Cell Biology and Molecular Interactions
- Cell Factory
- Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology
- Change and Business Management
- Change Management
- Chemical & Process Engineering
- Chemical and Process technology
- Chemical Biology
- Chemical biology, Materials and Nanomedicine
- Chemical Product Engineering
- Chemistry and Business Studies
- Chemistry and Education
- Chemistry and Science Communication and Society
- Chemistry for sustainable energy systems
- Chemistry of Life
- Chemistry of Life
- Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
- Chinese Studies
- Chinese taal en cultuur
- Chirurgisch
- Church and Mission in the West
- Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence
- Cities, Water and Climate Change
- Civiel Recht
- Classical
- Classical Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- Classical Music
- Classics
- Clean Technology Management
- Climate Adaptation Governance
- Climate and Weather
- Climate Change and Corporations
- Climate Econometrics
- Climate Physics
- Climate, Society and Economics
- Clinical and Health Psychology
- Clinical and Translational Neurosciences
- Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
- Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology
- Clinical human movement sciences
- Clinical Linguistics/EMCL
- Clinical Neuropsychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical Research
- Coaching
- Coaching & Vitality in Organisations
- Cognition and Communication
- Cognitive Computing
- Cognitive Modeling and the Brain
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Cognitive Modelling
- Cognitive Science
- Collaborative Design
- Collaborative Innovation and Marketing
- Colonial and Global History
- Commercial and Company Law
- Commercial Law
- Commercieel management
- Commercieel vermogensrecht
- Commerciële Communicatie
- Commerciële Rechtspraktijk: Contracten- & Aansprakelijkheidsrecht
- Commerciële Rechtspraktijk: Goederen- & Insolvatierecht
- Communicatie
- Communicatie en Beïnvloeding
- Communicatie en Cognitie
- Communicatie en Educatie
- Communicatie ontwikkeling en auditieve verwerking
- Communicatiekunde
- Communication and Innovation
- Communication and Innovation Studies
- Communication and Language Behaviour
- Communication and rhetorics
- Communication Networks
- Community-based Health Technologies
- Comparative Anthropological and Development Studies Research
- Comparative Arts and Media Studies
- Comparative Criminal Justice
- Comparative Literature
- Comparative Political Research
- Comparative Politics
- Comparative Sociological Research
- Competition and Regulation
- Competition, Innovation and Digital Markets
- Complex systems profile
- Composing for Film
- Compositie
- Computational Engineering
- Computational Intelligence
- Computational Mathematics
- Computational Science and Engineering
- Computer architecture
- Computer Science and Education
- Computer Science and Science Communication and Society
- Computer Systems and Infrastructure
- Computer Vision and Biometrics
- Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD)
- Computercommunicatie
- Conflict and Security
- Conflict, Power and Politics
- Conflict, Risk and Safety
- Conflicthantering, rechtspraak en mediation
- Conflicts, Territories and Identities
- Connected World Technologies
- Conservation and Restoration Ecology
- Construction Management and Engineering
- Construction Materials
- Constructive Design Research
- Consultancy
- Consultancy & Organisational Development
- Consumer behaviour
- Consumer Marketing
- Consumer studies
- Contemporary Art History
- Contemporary Literature and Arts: Cultural Interventions and Social Justice
- Contemporary Psychometrics Track
- Contemporary Studies
- Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy
- Contextual Bible Interpretation
- Contextual Design
- Continentale filosofie: Fenomenologie, Hermeneutiek en Psychoanalyse
- Contract study
- Control
- Control and Operations
- Controlling
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Corporate and Organised Crime
- Corporate Communication
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate finance and control
- Corporate Finance and Investment
- Creation
- Creative Entrepreneurship
- Creative Industries
- Creator performer
- Criminaliteit & Veiligheid
- Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid
- Criminology and Safety
- Crisis and Conflict
- Critical Cultural Theory
- Critical Development Theory and Social Movements
- Critical Fashion Practices
- Critical Studies in Art and Culture
- Crop Science
- Cross-Cultural Economic Psychology (Double degree)
- Cultural Analysis
- Cultural Analysis of Image and Discourse in Latin America
- Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory
- Cultural and Social Anthropology
- Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Cultural Geography and Tourism
- Cultural History and Heritage
- Cultural Leadership
- Cultural Psychology
- Culture and Identity
- Culture and Politics
- Cultures and Contexts
- Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology
- Cultuurgeschiedenis en erfgoed
- Curating Art and Cultures
- Current Issues in Heritage
- Customs and International Supply Chain Taxation
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security and AI
- Cyber Security in Business
- Cyber-Phisical Systems
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Governance
- DAI Art Praxis
- Dairy Science and Technology
- Dance Movement Therapy
- Danstherapie
- Data & Analytics
- Data & Business
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Data Analytics
- Data Management en Engineering
- Data Mining en Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Data Science & Marketing Analytics
- Data Science & Technology
- Data Science and AI in Context
- Data Science and Business
- Data Science and Optimization
- Data Science and Systems Complexity
- Data science cluster
- Data Science: Computer Science
- Datafication and Digital Literacy
- DataOps
- Deafblindness
- Decolonising diversity in a polarised world
- Deeltijd programma ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar
- Democracy and representation
- Democracy and representation in Europe
- Democracy, Power & Inequality
- Dependable Integrated Systems
- Design & Integration
- Design and Manufacturing
- Design Cultures
- Design Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- Design, Science Methodology and systems Engineering
- Development and Lifelong Plasticity
- Development Economics
- Development Finance
- Developmental Psychology
- Dialogue, Health & Society
- Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
- Differential Geometry, Topology and Lie Theory
- Differentiatie Productie en Kwaliteit
- Differentiatie Zorg
- Digital Archaeology and Heritage
- Digital Business
- Digital Business
- Digital Business & Innovation
- Digital Business and Analytics
- Digital business and innovation
- Digital Business Focus Area
- Digital Culture Studies
- Digital Cultures
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing & Analytics
- Digital Marketing & Communication
- Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Digital Marketing Communication & Design
- Digital Media and Communication
- Digital Media in Human Development
- Digital Technologies in Construction
- Digital Transformation
- Digitale Transformatie
- Digitalisation in Work and Society
- Digitalisation, Surveillance & Societies
- Directe Belastingen
- Directie
- Discrete Mathematics and Applications
- Discrete Mathematics and Optimisation
- Discrete Mathematics and Quantum Information
- Diversities in Youth Care
- Docentenopleiding
- Documentaire en fictie
- Dogmageschiedenis
- Dogmatiek
- Double degree Argroecology met ISARA-Lyon
- Double Degree Master - Central-Eastern European Economics (Budapest)
- Double Degree Master - Economic Development and Growth (MEDEG, Lund)
- Double Degree Master - International Development Economics (Göttingen)
- Double Degree Master Chinese Economy and Finance (Shanghai)
- Double Degree Master Economic Analysis (Santiago)
- Double degree master International Business and Finance (i.s.m. Fudan Shanghai University)
- Double Degree Master International Business and Finance (Shanghai)
- Double Degree Master International Business and Finance (Shanghai)
- Double Degree Master International Financial Management (Milan)
- Double Degree Master Sustainability and Environmental Psychology
- Double degree MScBA, specialiseer in business analytics of financial management
- Double degree option with George Washington University Law School (joint degree)
- Double degree-variant
- Dramatherapie
- Dredging Engineering
- Drug Development and Neurohealth
- Drug Discovery and Safety
- Drug Innovation
- Drug Safety and Toxicology
- Drug Toxicology and Translational Technology
- Duisenberg Honours Programme in Corporate Finance
- Duisenberg Honours Programme in Finance and Technology
- Duisenberg Honours Programme in Quantitative Risk Management
- Duits
- Duitse literatuur
- Duitslandstudies
- Dutch Dramaturgy
- Dutch Politics
- Duurzame Inzetbaarheid
- Duurzame mobiliteit
- E-commerce
- Early Modern Studies
- Earth and Climate
- Earth Observation
- Earth Structure and Dynamics
- Earth Surface and Water
- Earth System Science
- Earth, Life and Climate
- East Asian Studies
- East European Studies
- Echografie
- Ecological and Agroecological Systems
- Ecological livelihoods and environmental justice
- Ecology
- Ecology & Conservation
- Ecology & Evolution
- Ecology and Evolution
- Ecology Futures
- Econometric Theory
- Econometrics
- Econometrics and Data Science
- Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
- Econometrics and Policy Analysis
- Economic & Financial Research
- Economic and Consumer Psychology
- Economic Evaluation
- Economic Geography
- Economic Psychology
- Economics
- Economics & Policy
- Economics and Finance
- Economics and Governance
- Economics and management of innovation (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spanje)
- Economics of Development
- Economics of Markets and Organisations
- Economics of Sustainability
- Economics, Behaviour and Policy
- Economie
- Economie en Bedrijfseconomie
- Economy, Work and Culture
- Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
- Education
- Education in Museums and Heritage (dual degree)
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology: Learning and Performance
- Educational Science
- Effectief Beïnvloeden en Overtuigen
- Egyptology
- Elecrical Power Systems
- Elective Capita Selecta Service Management
- Elective DBE projects
- Electrical Energy
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electron cryo-Microscopy
- EM European Wind Energy
- Embedded Networking
- Embedded Software
- Emerging Technology Design
- Emerging Technology-Based Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- EMOS-track (official statistics)
- Empirical Analytical Methods
- Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht
- Endodontologie
- Endodontology
- Energie & recht
- Energietransitiebeleid
- Energy
- Energy & Flow
- Energy & Society
- Energy & Sustainability
- Energy and Climate
- Energy Focus Area
- Energy Management
- Energy Transition
- Energy Transition and Climate Change Focus Area
- Energy, Flow & Process Technology
- Energy, Materials and Systems
- Engaging Public Issues
- Engels
- Engery Conversion and Storage
- Engineering & Systems
- Engineering Fluid Mechanics
- Engineering for sustainable energy systems
- Engineering Solid Mechanics
- English and Comparative Literature (EN)
- English Literature and Culture
- English Literature in a Visual Culture
- Enterprise Architecture & IT Management
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Enterprise-architectuur
- Entertainment Communication
- Entrepeneurship and Innovation
- Entrepeneurship and Management in the Creative Industries
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship & Business Development
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy
- Enviroment and Sustainability
- Environment, Development and Conflict
- Environment, Life and Technology
- Environmental and Biobased Technology
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Humanities
- Environmental Justice and Governance
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Policy and Economics
- Environmental Psychology
- Environmental Quality
- Environmental sciences and management practices in the anthropocene (Université de Strasbourg, Frankrijk)
- Environmental Systems Analysis
- Environmental Technology
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology Postgraduate
- Essentials of Care
- ETFI-Projects
- Ethical and philosophical stakes of the sciences in societies (Université Catholique de Louvain, België)
- Ethics and Political Philosophy
- Ethics of Dignity
- Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law
- Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
- Ethiek
- Ethiek van Bedrijf en Organisatie
- Europe 1000-1800
- Europe and the world
- Europe: Borders, Idenity and Governance
- European and International Law
- European and Mediterranean Archaeology
- European Business Law
- European Competition Law and Regulation
- European Cooperation in Criminal Matters
- European Governance
- European Law
- European Law & Global Affairs
- European Law and Global Risk
- European Literatures and interculturality (kies FR, DU, IT, RU, SP, ZW)
- European Master in System Dynamics
- European Masters in Food Studies
- European Policy
- European Politics and External Relations
- European Politics in a Global Perspective
- European Public Law
- European Public Policy CEU-York
- European Union Governance and Politics
- European Union Law
- European Union politics and governance
- European Union Studies
- Evangelistiek/Missiologie
- Event Management
- Evolutionary Biology
- EWEM: Rotor Design
- Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience
- Experimental Physics
- Experimental Publishing
- Expert in NT2, Nieuwkomersonderwijs en Culturele Diversiteit
- Expert rekenwiskunde/dyscalculie
- Expert Taal/Dyslexie
- Exploring a Discipline
- Extended Master Programma
- Facilitair Management
- Familie- en jeugdrecht
- Farm Technology
- Film and Contemporary Audiovisual Media
- Film and Photographic Studies
- Film and Television Cultures
- Film Studies
- Filosofie
- Filosofie
- Filosofie in Organisaties
- Filosofie van Cultuurwetenschappen
- Filosofie van de Bedrijfswetenschappen
- Filosofie van de cognitiewetenschappen
- Filosofie van de gedragswetenschappen
- Filosofie van de geschiedenis
- Filosofie van de godsdienstwetenschappen
- Filosofie van de politicologie
- Filosofie van de rechtswetenschap
- Filosofie van natuur- en levenswetenschappen
- Filosofie van Taal en Cognitie
- Finance
- Finance Analytics
- Finance and Development Focus Area
- Finance and Real Estate Finance (combination track)
- Finance and Technology
- Finance for Entrepeneurs and Consultants
- Finance: CFA
- Finance: Data Science
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Analysis
- Financial Econometrics
- Financial Economics
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Engineering & Management
- Financial management
- Financial Mathematics
- Financial Risk Management
- Financieel Recht
- Financiering
- Fine Art
- Fiscaal recht
- Flight Performance and Propulsion
- Fluids, Bio and Soft Matter
- Food
- Food & Retail
- Food Biotechnology
- Food Digestion and Health
- Food Entrepreneurship
- Food Fermentation and Biotechnology
- Food Law and Regulatory Affairs
- Food technology
- Food Technology (online master)
- Forensic and Legal Psychology
- Forensische Gezinspedagogiek
- Forensische Neuropsychologie
- Forensische Orthopedagogiek
- Forensische Pedagogiek
- Formal education
- Foundations of Computing
- Foundations of Computing and Concurrency
- Frans
- Franse literatuur
- Free specialization
- Free Track
- French Literature and Culture
- Freshwater and Marine Biology
- Fries
- Functional Plant Genomics
- Fundamental Neuroscience
- Fundamental Neurosciences
- Funding
- Future Prosperity amd Sustainability Focus Area
- Fysiotherapie
- Fysiotherapiewetenschap
- Gastronomy Science
- Gebieds- en Vastgoedontwikkeling
- Gedrag
- Gedragsbeïnvloeding
- Gedragsdeskundige
- Gedragsspecialist
- Geestelijk verzorger
- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg
- Geestelijke verzorging
- Gemeentepredikant
- Gender and Sexuality
- Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Management
- Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Politics
- Gender Studies
- Gender, Intersectionality, and Development
- General Biology
- General Finance
- General Linguistics
- General Physics and Astronomy
- General research programme
- Generalist
- Genetic & Molucular Epidemiology
- Genetics and Biodiversity
- Genetics and Genomics
- Genomic & Molucular Epidemiology
- Geo information science & Remote Sensing
- Geo-Design
- Geo-Energy
- Geo-information Management for Land Administration
- Geo-information Science
- Geo-Resources
- Geografie
- Geoinformatics
- Geology and Geochemistry
- Geometry and Topology
- Geopolitics & Connectivity
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Geriatriefysiotherapie
- German Literature and Culture
- Gerodontologie
- Geschiedenis
- Geschiedenis en Actualiteit
- Geschiedenis en Staatsinrichting
- Geschiedenis en staatsinrichting
- Geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen
- Geschiedenis van politiek en maatschappij
- Gezelschapsdieren
- Gezinssystemen
- Gezondheid en Revalidatie
- Gezondheid, Welzijn en Zorg
- Gezondheidsbevordering
- Gezondheidspsychologie
- Gezondheidswetenschappen voor Zorgprofessionals
- Gezondheidszorgpsychologie
- Gifted Education
- Global and Comparative Philosophy
- Global and Sustainable Production
- Global Archaeology
- Global Business
- Global Challenges
- Global Communication and Diversity
- Global Conflict in the Modern Era
- Global Economics and Business
- Global Environment and Sustainability
- Global Environmental Change and Policy
- Global Environmental Governance, Sustainability & Climate Change
- Global Ethnography
- Global Food Challenges
- Global Governance for Development
- Global History
- Global History and International Relations
- Global History and International Studies
- Global Markets, Local Creativities (GLOCAL) (joint degree met University of Glasgow, Uppsala Universitet, Universitat de Barcelona, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Universidad de los Andes en Kyoto University)
- Global Order in Historical Perspective
- Global Political Economy
- Global Public Policy CEU-IBEI
- Global Sustainable Futures
- Global Water Challanges
- Globalisation, Migration and Development
- Godsdienst & Levensbeschouwing
- Godsdienst en levensbeschouwing
- Godsdienst en levensbeschouwing
- Godsdienst/levensbeschouwing
- Governance
- Governance and Development (ISS-York)
- Governance and Development Policy
- Governance en Management van Complexe Systemen
- Governance of Crisis
- Governance of Innovation
- Governance of Migration and Diversity
- Governance of Migration and Diversity - Sociology
- Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism
- Governance of Sustainability Transformations
- Governance of Violence (Enkel ook febr. Start mogelijk)
- Governance track
- Governance, innovation and sustainability (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Oostenrijk)
- Grassroots initiatives, development and the state
- Gravitation, Astro- and Particle Physics
- Green Life Sciences
- Greenhouse Horticulture
- Grid Integration (Spanje)
- Grieks & Latijn
- Grieks en Latijn
- Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur
- Griekse en Latijnse taal- en letterkunde
- Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid
- Grote Ideeën en Hun Geschiedenis
- GTEM Programma
- Handels- en Ondernemingsrecht
- Health
- Health & Social Care
- Health and Disease
- Health and Environment
- Health and Life Sciences-based Communication
- Health and Life Sciences-based Management and Entrepreneurship
- Health and Life Sciences-based Policy
- Health and Medical Psychology
- Health and Social Psychology
- Health and Society
- Health by Design
- Health Decision Sciences
- Health Decision Sciences & Technology Assessment
- Health Economics
- Health Humanities
- Health Policy
- Health Psychology & Digital Interventions
- Health Psychology and Technology
- Health systems and policy
- Health Systems and Prevention
- Health Technology Assessment
- Health, Wellbeing and Society
- Healthcare
- Healthcare Technology & Management
- Healthy Society Focus Area
- Heating and Cooling
- Hebreeuws
- Hebrew and Aramaic Studies
- Heritage and Memory Studies
- Heritage and Museum Studies
- Heritage and religion
- High Performance Coaching
- High-Tech Engineering
- High-tech Systems & Materials
- High-tech systems and robotics
- Historic Interiors
- Historical studies
- Histories of European integration
- History and Heritage Consultancy
- History of Architecture and Town Planning
- History of Church and Theology
- History of Philosophy
- History of Philosophy and Science
- History of Politics and Society
- History, Arts and Culture of Asia
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Hospitality management
- Host-Microbe Interaction
- HR Strategie en Leiderschap
- HR-businesspartner; Market Insights
- Human Biology
- Human Factors & Engineering Psychology
- Human Language Modeling
- Human Resource & Career Management
- Human Resource Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resources Development
- Human Rights
- Human Rights & Migration
- Human Rights, Gender and Conflict Studies: Social Justice Perspectives
- Human Technology Relations
- Human-centered AI
- Human-Environment Interaction
- Human-Environmental Systems
- Human-Robot Interaction and Social AI
- Hydraulic and Offshore Structures
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydrology and Water Resources
- ICT in Business
- ICT in the Public Sector
- ICT Management and Design
- Identiteit, Ethiek en Samenleving
- Identity & Integration
- Imaging & Intervention
- Imaging and In Vitro Diagnostics
- Immunology
- Immunology and host defence
- Inclusive Innovation, Communication, and Development
- Indirecte Belastingen
- Individualley tailored programme
- Industrial Catalysis
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Pharmacy
- Inequality and social inclusion
- Infection and immunity
- Infectious Disease
- Infectious Disease and Public Health
- Inflammation and Pathophysiology
- Informatica
- Informatiesystemen
- Information & Communication
- Information Design
- Information Management and Business Intelligence
- Information Science
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Innovatie en Business Development
- Innovatie en ondernemerschap
- Innovatiemanagement
- Innovation & Entrepeneurship
- Innovation and tradition in early Christianity
- Innovation in public health
- Innovation policy and small states (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Estland)
- Innovation systems, social and ecological change (Aalborg Universitet, Denemarken)
- Innovative Leadership
- Instrumentation Imaging Engineering
- Integrated Circuit Design
- Integrated Civil Engineering Systems
- Integrated Optical Systems
- Intellectueel eigendomsrecht, innovatie en technologie
- Intelligence & Security
- Intelligence and National Security
- Intelligent Systems and Visual Computing
- Intelligent Technology
- Intensive Care
- Intercultural Reformed Theology
- Internationaal en Europees recht
- Internationaal Management
- International & European Law Advanced
- International Action Learning
- International and European Governance
- International and European Union Law
- International and Macroeconomical Policy
- International and Transnational Criminal Law
- International Arbitration
- International Business
- International Criminal Law
- International Criminal Law (Joint program)
- International Economics
- International Economics and Development
- International Finance and Trade
- International Humanitarian Action
- International Law and Global Governance
- International Management
- International Management & Consultancy
- International Master Artist Educator
- International Master Biodiversity, Ecology & Evolution
- International Migration and Refugee Law
- International Organisation
- International Political Economy
- International Politics
- International Public Health
- International Public Management and Public Policy
- International Relations
- International Relations and International Organization
- International Relations, Security & Global Order
- International Security
- International Technology Law
- International Track: Global Software Engineering European Master
- International Track: Software Engineer for Green Deal
- International Trade and Investment Law
- International Trade Law
- Internationale Expeditie
- Interne begeleiding / Ondersteuningscoördinatie
- Internet Science & Technology
- Internet, intellectuele eigendom en ICT
- Interpretative Methods
- Interrelational art practices
- Interventiecriminologie
- Investment and Risk Management
- Islam and Interfaith Relations
- Islam, politiek en samenleving
- Islands and Sustainability
- Italiaans
- Italian Literature and Culture
- Japanese Studies
- Jazz
- Jazz & Pop
- Jazz - Compositie
- Jazz - Uitvoerend
- Jazz en pop
- Jeugdcriminologie
- Jeugdliteratuur
- Jewish Studies
- Jonge Kind
- Journalism
- Journalistiek
- Journalistiek en media
- Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media
- Junior Scientific Masterclass
- Jurist en Overheid
- Just and Sustainable Technologies
- Kaakchirurgie
- Kerkgeschiedenis
- Kerkrecht
- Kind en Ontwikkeling
- Kinderen met leer- en gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs
- Kinderfysiotherapie
- Kindertandheelkunde
- Klantencommunicatie
- Klassieke cultuur
- Klassieke muziek
- Klassieke Muziek - Compositie
- Klassieke Muziek - Uitvoerend
- Klinisch programma
- Klinisch taalkundige
- Klinisch verloskundige
- Klinische Forensische Psychologie
- Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie
- Klinische Neuropsychologie
- Klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie en Psychopathologie
- Korean Studies
- Kunst, Markt en Connaisseurschap
- Kunstbeleid en Kunstbedrijf
- Kunstgeschiedenis
- Kunstgeschiedenis & Culturele en kunstzinnige vorming
- Kunstgeschiedenis & Culturele en kunstzinnige vorming/Kunst algemeen
- Kunstgeschiedenis en culturele en kunstzinnige vorming/kunst algemeen
- Kunstmatige Intelligentie
- Kwaliteit van Besturen
- Land Use Planning
- Landbouwhuisdieren
- Landscape Architecture
- Landschapsgeschiedenis
- Language and Cognition
- Language and Communication
- Language and Communication Technologies (Double degree programme)
- Language and Society
- Language and Speech Technology
- Language Description and Comparative Linguistics
- Language Development and Variation
- Language Processing and Acquisition
- Language Variation and Bilingualism
- Language Variation and Multilingualism
- Language, Literature and Education
- Latijn
- Latijnse Taal en Cultuur
- Law and Sustainability
- Law and Technology
- Law of Sustainable Europe
- Leadership and Change Management
- Leadership and management
- Leadership and Organizing Innovation
- Learning & Development
- Learning and Development
- Learning Communities
- Learning in Interaction
- Learning Problems and Impairments
- Leerproblemen
- Leerprocessen en leeromgevingen
- Legal and Governance Aspects
- Legal Psychology
- Leiden Leadership Programme
- Leiderschap
- Leiderschap bij Digitale Transformaties
- Leiderschap in Management
- Lens Based Media
- Leraarschap Biologie
- Leren
- Leren en Innoveren
- Leven
- Levenslooppsychologie
- Life & Health
- Life and Health
- Life Science and Business Studies
- Life Science and Education
- Life Science and Science Communication and Society
- Life Science Research and Development
- Lifespan Development and Socialization
- Lifestyle and health
- Linguistic Anthropology
- Linguistic typology
- Linguistics
- Link Trajectories
- Literacy
- Literair bedrijf
- Literair vertalen
- Literary studies
- Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond
- Literature, Arts and Media
- Literature, Culture and Society
- Literatuur en Samenleving
- Living Texts
- Local Environmental Change and Sustainable Cities
- Logic
- Logic and Computation
- Logic and Language
- Logic and Mathematics
- Logic and Philosophy
- Logistics & Trade
- Logistics systems
- Loopbaanbegeleiding en arbeidsoriëntatie
- Maatschappijleer
- Maatschappijleer & Maatschappijwetenschappen
- Maatschappijleer en Maatschapijwetenschappen
- Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen
- Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen
- Maintenance Engineering & Operations
- Management
- Management & Kwaliteitszorg
- Management & Organisatie
- Management Accounting and Control
- Management Consultant
- Management Consulting
- Management in the Built Environment
- Management of Cultural Diversity
- Management of Health Care Institutions
- Management of International Business and Trade
- Management of Product Development
- Management science
- Management studies
- Management van HR en Verandering
- Management, Organisatie en Verandering
- Managerial Decision-Making and Control
- Managerial Economics & Strategy
- Managing and Organising in the Military
- Managing Events Organisations
- Manuele therapie
- Manufacturing systems
- Marine Engineer Cluster
- Marine Engineering
- Marine Governance
- Marine Resources and Ecology
- Marine Sciences
- Maritime and Transport Law
- Maritime Operations and Management
- Market Analytics
- Market Insights
- Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Analytics & Data
- Marketing and corporate communication
- Marketing Data Science
- Marketing Management
- Marketing-Finance
- Markets & Organization of Construction
- Master Health Innovation (deeltijd)
- Master internship
- Masteropleiding sportfysiotherapie voor manueel therapeuten
- Material Science & Engineering
- Materials for High Tech Systems Design
- Materials in Artistic Practices
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Mathematical and Statistical Methods
- Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Systems Theory, Applied Analysis and Computational Science
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Business Studies
- Mathematics and Education
- Mathematics and Science Communication and Society
- Mathematics of Data Science
- Mathematics of Quantum Technology and Computation
- Mechatronic Systems Design
- Mechatronics and Physical AI
- Media
- Media & Business
- Media & Creative Industries
- Media & Journalistiek
- Media Creation and Innovation
- Media Psychology
- Media, Art and Performance Studies
- Media, art, design and technology
- Media, Culture & Society
- Medical and Health Humanities
- Medical biology
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Device Design
- Medical Devices
- Medical Epigenomics
- Medical Imaging
- Medical Imaging and Interventions
- Medical Imaging and Modelling
- Medical Neuroscience
- Medical Physics
- Medical Psychology
- Medical Sensing and Stimulation
- Medicial Device Design
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medieval Studies
- Medische beeldvorming
- Medisign
- Meesterschap in Adviseren
- Membrane Enzymology
- Mens- en Organisatieontwikkeling
- Mental Health: Perspectives from Neuro- and Clinical Psychology
- Metabolic Disease
- Metals
- Meteorology and Air Quality
- Methaphysics and Philosophical Anthropology
- Methodologie en Statistiek
- Methodology and Statistics
- Methodology and Statistics in Psychology
- Micro Sensors and Systems
- Microbiology
- Microelectronics
- Middeneeuwen en Renaissance Studies
- Migration and Diversity track
- Migration Studies
- Militaire geschiedenis
- Missional Communities
- Mixed Methods, mandatory fieldwork
- Mixed Methods, mandatory internship
- Mobility
- Modelling in the Life Sciences
- Modelling, Simulation and Gaming
- Modern and contemporary history
- Modern European Philosophy
- Modern History and International Relations
- Modern Languages
- Modern Political Culture: Ideas and Discourses in Context
- Moderne en Hedendaagse Kunst
- Moderne Nederlandse letterkunde
- Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences
- Molecular and Clinical Neuroscience
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Molecular Chemistry
- Molecular Dynamics
- Molecular Genetics
- Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
- Molecular Imaging Engineering
- Molecular Medicine
- Molecular Microbiology
- Molecular Nutrition and Toxicology
- Molecular Plant Breeding and Pathology
- Molecular Sciences
- Molecular Systems Biology
- Molecular Sytems and Materials Chemistry
- Molecular Toxicology
- Molecular, Cellular an Organismal Biology
- Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning
- Molecules & Materials Engineering
- Molucular Immunology
- Molucular Pharmacology
- Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie
- Monetary Policy and banking
- Moral and Political Philosophy
- Motor Functioning and Cognition in Healthy Ageing
- Motoriek
- MScFI Honours Class
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Multi-Machine Engineering
- Multilingualism
- Multimodal Communication
- Museum Studies
- Music theater
- Music Therapy
- Music, Theatre and Performance Studies
- Musicology
- Muziek
- Muziekeducatie Kodály
- Muziektheater
- Muziektherapie
- Naast de verplichte cursussen moet je een van de volgende keuzevakken kiezen( New Media Lab, Coaching en consultancy, Policy, paradigms and human development)
- Nano Electronic Materials
- Nano, Quantum and Photonics
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanomaterials Science
- Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development
- Natural Computing and Neurotechnology
- Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Natural Resource Management
- Natural Resources Management
- Natuurkunde
- Nederland-Duitsland-Studies
- Nederlandkunde
- Nederlands
- Nederlands als Tweede Taal: Docent en Expert
- Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis
- Nederlandse letterkunde en het literaire veld
- Nederlandse literatuur (NL, EN)
- Nederlandse taal en cultuur
- Nederlandse taalkunde
- Networking
- Neurobiology
- Neuroeconomics
- Neurolinguïstiek
- Neuromodulation
- Neuromusculoskeletal Biomechanics
- Neurophysics
- Neuropsychology
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience and Cognition
- New audiences and innnovative practice
- New Audiences and Innovative Practice
- New Economic Geographies, Ecologies and Business Innovation
- New Media & Digital Culture
- New Media and Digital Culture
- New Media Design
- New York Jazz
- Nieuw Leiderschap in Organisaties
- Nieuwe Testament
- Nieuws en Informatie
- Non-Linear Narrative
- Number theory and Algebraic Geometry
- Nutrition and health
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism
- Nutritional and Public Health Epidemiology
- Nutritional Physiology and Health Status
- Occupational Health Psychology
- Ocean Energy (Portugal)
- Oceans, the Environment and Sustainability
- Offshore Renewable Energy
- Omgevingsrecht
- On-campus
- Oncology
- Ondernemen
- Ondernemerschap (profit)
- Ondernemerschap, arbeid & recht
- Ondernemingsrecht
- Onderwijs
- Onderwijs & Innovatie
- Onderwijsinnovatie
- Onderwijskundig leiderschap en onderwijsinnovatie
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Onderzoek & Ontwerpen (Technasium)
- Onderzoek en Ontwerpen (O&O)
- Onderzoeker
- Online
- Online Culture
- Online Marketing
- Ontwerpen (O&O)
- Ontwikkelingspsychologie
- Open specialization
- Openbaar Bestuur
- Operational Shipping Cluster
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Operations Research
- Operations Research and Logistics
- Operations Research Theory
- Opsporingscriminologie
- Optimasation of Business Processes
- Optimization of healthcare processes
- Opvoedvraagstukken in een diverse samenleving
- Orale Implantologie
- Orale Radiologie
- Organisatiecultuur
- Organisatiepsychologie
- Organisaties, verandering en management
- Organisatiewetenschappen
- Organisation: Management, Change and Consultancy
- Organisational Communication & Reputation
- Organisational Design and Development
- Organisational Development and Change
- Organising Social Impact
- Organizing and Managing Digital Transformation
- Organizing for Global Social Challenges
- Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction
- Orofaciale fysiotherapie
- Orofaciale Pijn en Disfunctie
- Orthodontie
- Orthopedagogiek
- Orthopedische manuele therapie
- Oude Meesters
- Oude muziek
- Oude Testament
- Oudere Nederlandse letterkunde
- Overheidsmanagement (non-profit)
- Paard
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Painting
- Parenting and Child Development
- Parochiepastoraat
- Parodontologie
- Parodontologie
- Partial Differential Equations
- Particle and Astrophysics
- Pathway of Music Design
- Pathway Performance
- Peace, Justice and Development
- Peace, Trauma and Religion
- Pedagogische Ethiek
- Pensioen
- People Analytics
- Perception, Action and Decision-making
- Periodontology
- Personalised Health Technology
- Personalised monitoring and coaching
- Persoonlijk leiderschap
- Persoonlijk Leiderschap;Sustainable Business;Portfoliomanagement
- Persuasive Communication
- Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering
- Pharmaco-epidemiology and Pharmaco-economics
- Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy
- Philosophical Tradition in Context
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and history of science and technology (NKUA/NTUA, Griekenland)
- Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Philosophy and Religion
- Philosophy in World Traditions
- Philosophy of Contemporary Challenges
- Philosophy of Data and Digital Society
- Philosophy of Humanities
- Philosophy of Humanity and Culture
- Philosophy of Knowledge
- Philosophy of Law and Governance
- Philosophy of Law, Governance and Politics
- Philosophy of mind and language
- Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
- Philosophy of Neuroscience
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of the humanities
- Philosophy of the social sciences
- Philosophy, Bioethics and Health
- Philosopy, Politics & Society
- Photography
- Photography & Society
- Photovoltaics (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
- Physical Biology
- Physical Chemistry
- Physics and Business Studies
- Physics and Education
- Physics and Science Communication and Society
- Physics for Energy
- Physics for Fluids Engineering
- Physics for Health and Life
- Physics for Instrumentation
- Physics for Quantum Devices and Quantum Computing
- Physics of Fluids
- Physiological Signals and Systems
- Planning, Land and Real Estate Development
- Plant Breeding (online master)
- Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources
- Plant Pathology and Entomology
- Plants for Human and Animal Health
- Plasmas and Beams
- Policy and Society
- Policy Economics
- Political Communication
- Political communication, digital media & public opinion
- Political Economy
- Political Economy and Development (ISS-IBEI)
- Political Geography
- Political Theory
- Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice
- Politics and Communication
- Politics and Governance of Development
- Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present
- Politics, Organizations and Learning Histories
- Politics, Policy and Societal Development
- Politics, Policy and Society in Comparative Perspective
- Politics, Society and Economy of Asia
- Politiek en Parlement
- Politiek en Soevereiniteit
- Politiek, Beleid en Management
- Politiek, Maatschappij & Beleid
- Polymeric Products
- Pop
- Pop - Compositie
- Pop - Uitvoerend
- Population Health Management
- Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology
- Positive Psychology & Well-being
- Power Electronics
- Practical Theology
- Practice track
- Praktische Filosofie: kritiek van de moderniteit
- Praktische theologie
- Predikantsopleiding: Doopsgezind Seminarie
- Predikantsopleiding: Hersteld Hervormd Seminarie
- Predikantsopleiding: Remonstrantst Seminarie
- Preventieve Jeugdhulp en Opvoeding
- Prevention and Public Health
- Privaatrecht
- Privaatrecht | Commercieel Vermogensrecht
- Privacy and Security
- Probability and Decision Making
- Probability and Discrete Mathematics
- Probability and Statistics
- Process Engineering
- Process Mining and Visual Analytics
- Process Modeling and Information Management
- Process Technology
- Processes
- Product Design and Ingredient Functionality
- Production & Logistic Management
- Production Technology and Logistics
- Professional
- Professional (internship)
- Professional Anthropology
- Professioneel adviseren
- Professioneel vertalen
- Programmamanagement
- Programming Technology
- Project Management
- Projectmanagement
- Projects & People
- Prosociale Communicatie
- Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology
- Protonentherapie
- Psychologie en verandermanagement
- Psychologie in Organisaties
- Psychology of the Digital Media
- Psychology of the Digital Media (online master)
- Psychology: Health Promotion and Behaviour Change
- Psychomotorische therapie
- Psychosomatische fysiotherapie
- Public Governance, Management and Policy
- Public Health Epidemiology
- Public International Law
- Public Management and Leadership
- Public Policies and Social Programmes in Latin America
- Public Policy
- Public Policy and Governance
- Publiek management
- Publieke Strategie en Leiderschap
- Publieksgeschiedenis
- Publieksrecht voor Bedrijf en Burger
- Publieksrecht: rechtsstaat en bestuur
- Purchasing & Supply Management
- Quality and Food Logistics
- Quality Control and Assurance
- Quality Management and Entrepreneurship
- Quantitative Economics
- Quantitative finance
- Quantitative logistics
- Quantitative Risk Management
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Matter
- Quantum Physics
- Quantum Universe
- Quantum Universe: Data Science and Systems Complexity
- Quantum Universe: Instrumentation and Informatics
- Quantum Universe: Theoretical and Observational Astronomy
- Radio Systems
- Radiotherapie
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Analytics
- Real Estate Economics and Finance
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Management
- Recht van de gezondheidszorg
- Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Reconstructief
- Redacteur/editor
- Reformed and Evangelical Theology
- Regenerative Engineering and Materials
- Regenerative Medicine
- Regenerative Medicine & Technology
- Regenerative Medicine and Technology
- Regievoering
- Regional Competitiveness and Trade
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation and Functional Recovery
- Rekenen
- Relationele ontwikkeling
- Religie en beleid
- Religie en levensbeschouwing
- Religiestudies
- Religiewetenschap
- Religion and Area Studies
- Religion and Cultural Heritage
- Religion and Pluralism, Ancient & Modern
- Religion and Society
- Religion and Spirituality in Contemporary Societies
- Religion and spirituality in Islam
- Religion, Conflict and Globalization
- Religion, Health and Wellbeing
- Religion, History, and Society
- Religion, Politics, and Governance
- Religious Studies
- Renewable Energy
- Representation: Democracy, Science, and Culture
- Reputatiemanagement
- Research
- Research (in Europe)
- Research (outside Europe)
- Research and Development in Science Education and Communication
- Research in Chemistry
- Research in Physics, Biological and Soft Matter Physics
- Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information
- Research in Physics, Cosmology
- Research in Physics, pre-PhD
- Research in Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics
- Research in Physics, Theoretical
- Research in public administration and organizational science
- Research profile
- Research Programme
- Research Track
- Research, Design and Development
- Resource and Waste Engineering
- Responsible Leadership & Sustainability
- Restauratieve Tandheelkunde
- Retail Management
- Risicogedrag
- Risk and Vulnerability
- Robotics
- Robots for Humans
- Rural Sociology
- Russisch
- Samenwerken aan Complexe Opgaven; Verandermanagement; Visie op de Toekomst
- Scenography
- Schade
- Scheikunde
- School Psychology
- Schrijven en Vertalen
- Science and discovery
- Science and Education
- Science and environment in society; science and environmental communication (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italië)
- Science and public policy (Maastricht University)
- Science and technology in politics and society (Universitetet i Oslo, Noorwegen)
- Science Business & Policy
- Science Communication
- Science Education
- Science for Energy and Sustainability
- Science in Society
- Science, Business & Policy
- Science, business and policy
- Science, Business and Policy
- Science, Management and Innovation
- Scientific Illustration
- Screen Scoring - Compositie
- Secondary Education Teacher Training for STEM Disciplines
- Security
- Security & Privacy
- Selected challenges and solutions in public health
- Self-constructed focus areas
- Self-Study Flex Cluster
- Semiconductor Devices and Technology
- Sensing & Stimluation
- Sensory Science
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Ship and Offshore Structures
- Ship Design
- Ship Design Cluster
- Ship Hydromechanics
- Signals & Systems
- Situated Design
- Slimme Mobiliteit
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- Smart & Sustainable Industry
- Smart and Green Energy Systems
- Smart cities
- Smart Electrical Networks and Systems
- Smart Factories
- Smart Industry
- Smart Mobility Data Science and Analytics
- Smart Services
- Smart Technology
- Sociaal verdiepend privaatrecht
- Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Social and Economic Psychology
- Social and Organisational Psychology
- Social Challenges, Policies and Interventions
- Social Design
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Social Inequalities
- Social Influence
- Social Media and Society
- Social Policy for Development
- Social Protection Policy
- Social Psychology
- Social sciences and Humanities: Social studies
- Social, Health and Organisational Psychology
- Sociale Psychologie
- Socialezekerheidsrecht
- Sociolinguistics of one language
- Sociologie
- Sociologie van de Netwerksamenleving
- Sociology (double degree met Universiteit van Bamberg, Duitsland)
- Sociology and Population Studies (double degree met Universiteit Pompeu Fabra, Spanje)
- Sociology and Social Research (double degree met Universiteit van Trento, Italië)
- Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts
- Sociology of Development
- Sociology of Policy in Practice
- Soft Matter
- Software
- Software & Analytics
- Software Engineering and Distributed Systems
- Software Engineering and Green IT
- Software Science
- Software Technology
- Soil Geography and Earth Surface Dynamics
- Solar Thermal- & Associated Renewable Storage (Frankrijk)
- Sourcing van IT-systemen
- South Asian Studies
- Southeast Asian Studies
- Spaans
- Spaanstalige literatuur
- Space Flight
- Spatial planning
- Spatial Sustainability Studies
- Speciale Leerbehoeften
- Specialisation Financial Management
- Spiritual Care
- Spirituality and Esotericism in Western Culture
- Sport and Performance Psychology
- Sport Business
- Sport Business Management
- Sport en Voeding
- Sport, Learning and Performance
- Sportbeleid en sportmanagement
- Sportfysiotherapie
- Staats- en bestuursrecht
- Staatsrecht en Encyclopedie
- Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis
- State-Society Relations
- Statistics
- Statistics and Data Science
- Statistics, Probability and Operations Research
- Stochastics
- Straf- en Strafprocesrecht
- Strafrecht
- Strategic Corporate Finance
- Strategic Human Resources Leadership
- Strategic Innovation Management
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Marketing
- Strategic Marketing & Servitisation
- Strategic Urban Planning & Policies
- Strategisch Human Resource Management
- Strategisch Leiderschap
- Strategisch Management
- Strategisch Marketingmanagement
- Strategisch Sales- en Accountmanagement
- Strategy
- Strategy & Organization
- Strategy and Innovation
- Strategy Economics
- Strategy, Competition and Regulation
- Structural Design & Analysis
- Structural Engineering
- Structural Engineering and Design
- Subjectivity and Response-Ability
- Supply chain analytics
- Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Safety
- Sustainability
- Sustainability and Social Impact
- Sustainability Transitions
- Sustainability transitions and the geography of innovation (Lunds universitet, Zweden)
- Sustainable and Circular Chemistry
- Sustainable and Inclusive Economics
- Sustainable and resilient economies
- Sustainable Business
- Sustainable Business and Innovation
- Sustainable Business in the Global Economy
- Sustainable Business Models
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Economies and Corporations
- Sustainable eHealth Solutions
- Sustainable Energy
- Sustainable Energy and ICT (i.s.m Howest UAS, België)
- Sustainable Energy Management (i.s.m University of Zaragoza, Spanje)
- Sustainable Finance
- Sustainable Finance
- Sustainable Finance and Investments
- Sustainable Food Process Engineering
- Sustainable Food Systems
- Sustainable Fuel Systems for Mobility (Nederland)
- Sustainable Innovation
- Sustainable Land Management
- Sustainable Leadership
- Sustainable Marketing
- Sustainable Process Engineering
- Sustainable Rural Futures
- Sustainable Society Focus Area
- Sustainable Tourism & Society
- Sustainable Urban Mobility and Transitions
- Synthesis of Drugs
- System Approach to Sustainable and Healthy Diets
- System Dynamics
- System Innovation Management (Nederland)
- Systematic Theology
- Systematische Theologie
- Systems
- Systems and Optimazation
- Systems Biology
- Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology
- Systems for Large-Scale Applications
- Systems for sustainable heat
- Systems Medicine
- Systems on Chip
- Taal
- Taal- en Spraakpathologie
- Taalbeheersing van het Nederlands
- Tailor-made track
- Talent Development and Creativity
- Tax & technology
- Tax and Technology
- Tax Assurance
- Teacher track
- Teamcoaching
- Teamcoaching en groepsinterventies
- Technical track
- Technological Development
- Technology & Communication
- Technology and Development Studies
- Technology, Entrepreneurship and Strategy
- Technology, markets and societal change
- Television and Cross-Media Culture
- Text Mining
- The Critical Inquiry Lab
- The Digital Economy
- The Digital Society
- The Philosophical Tradition in Context
- The Physical Climate System
- The Politics of Inequality: Wealth, Capitalism, Exploitation
- The sound of innovation
- The theory and practice of risk society (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Polen)
- Theology
- Theoretical and Empirical Linguistics
- Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling
- Theoretical Philosophy
- Theoretical Physics
- Theorie der Muziek
- Theory and History of Psychology
- Thinking God Interculturally
- Toegepaste Orthopedagogiek
- Toegepaste taalwetenschap
- Togamaster (1,5jr)
- Totalitarianism and Transition
- Tourism & Development
- Tourism & Experiences
- Tourism & Global Change
- Tourism & Natural Resources
- Tourism & Travel
- Tourism and Culture
- Tourism, Culture & Society
- Trade and Investment
- Traffic and Transport Engineering
- Traffic Operations
- Training & Development
- Training & Ontwikkeling
- Transatlantic studies: history, culture and politics
- Transformation analytics
- Translation
- Transport Governance
- Transport & Logistics
- Transport Economics
- Transport Engineering and Management
- Transport Networks
- Un/stainable Societies: Past, Present and Future
- Understanding Societal Change
- Urban and Cultural Geography
- Urban and Regional Economics
- Urban and Regional Mobility
- Urban Digital Transformation and Innovation
- Urban Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
- Urban Environmental Economics
- Urban Geography
- Urban Governance of Inclusive Sustainable Cities
- Urban Housing and Land Justice
- Urban Perspectives in Development
- Urban Planning and Management
- Urban Systems and Real Estate
- Urban Systems Engineering
- Urban, Port & Transport Economics
- Urbanism
- User-oriented Food Quality
- Vastgoedbeleggen
- Veranderdynamiek
- Verandermanagement
- Verplegingswetenschap
- Verstandelijke beperking
- Vertalen in Europa
- Verzekeringskunde
- Visual Anthropology
- Visual Arts and Post-Contemporary Practice
- Visual Ethnography
- Vrij programma
- War and peace studies
- War Studies
- Water
- Water and Health
- Water Engineering and Management
- Water Hazards, Risks and Climate
- Water Management
- Water Resources and Ecosystem Health
- Water Resources and Environmental Management
- Water Resources Engineering
- Water Science and Management
- Water Systems and Global Change
- Water, Food and Energy
- Water, Society and Technology
- Watermanagement and water uses (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
- Wereldmuziek - Compositie
- Wereldmuziek - Uitvoerend
- Werk en zingeving
- Werkplaats Typografie
- Wind Energy (Griekenland)
- Wireless Communication and Sensing
- Wiskunde
- Wood and Furniture
- Work and Organisational Psychology
- Work and Organizational Psychology
- Work, Organisation and Health
- Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
- Writing, Editing and Mediating
- Youth 0-21, Society & Policy
- Youth at risk ( Engelstalig )
- Youth Development and Social Change
- Youth, Education and Society